Saturday, April 5, 2008

Some Back Story...

When you are adopting from China, there are SO many steps to the process. The first step if you find your child on a list, is to send a "Letter of Intent" to the CCAA, Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs. We sent it off before Chinese New Year. About the same time, we sent an application to the US Center for Immigration Services to be allowed to bring Mia into this country. So we were dealing with the Chinese government in Beijing and the US government, our branch located in Charlotte. WELL, not many people can say this, but we were rejected by the Chinese government and the US government on the very same day! We had not given enough information on the LOI and had sent too much money to the US government.

We had to re-do the LOI quickly and resend a new check and application! This picture is the day that we received our pre-approval (PA) from China!! We had been waiting on our PA for several weeks and after school I called my neighbor to look on our doorstep. It was there!! On the same day, we received were fingerprinted in Charlotte as a result of the application being accepted. So I guess you could say we were rejected by both governments on the same day and recognized by both governments on the same day! SUCCESS!

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