Friday, April 11, 2008

LOA Predictions: 48, 58, or 88?

Two of my friends at school have made predictions about when the LOA will come... Bonnie says, "Somewhere between 47 and 49 days!" So I'm thinking she is guessing Day 48. Lorraine is saying, "Day 58". Of course I like Bonnie better right now! And Bonnie... tomorrow is the half way point to your prediction! If Bonnie has any pull over the CCAA, we will be able to travel sooner!

On one set of data, the average wait from LID to LOA is 88 days! UGH! Maybe Lorraine's prediction doesn't sound so bad! If you want to add a prediction, feel free to leave it in the comments section!

1 comment:

bonnie said...

If my guess is correct (48th day) then can I win a special prize maybe....tagalong to china to share in "gotcha day:". Just can't wait to love on Mia Faith- Song King in person and not just in my dreams, heart,and from afar! Bonnie