Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More About Mia

Just before I left our home, I went through the clothes that I had saved for the girls. There weren’t many but I threw a few into the suitcase. I put one of Emma's on her today and she looked so precious. It just reminded me of how badly we missed the girls. We have been so fortunate that grandparents have stepped in and cared for our older girls while we were gone and we will be forever grateful. Seems like they are enjoying getting spoiled and all of the attention the grandparents lavish on them.

We can’t wait for our family and friends to meet precious Mia. Each day she is changing and we are noticing improvements. She went down to bed easier last night and didn't have any night terrors. We were so thankful for an easier night. She loves a bath and being naked. Sometimes we will turn around and she will have all her clothes off and is just standing in the corner giggling. She sure knows how to make us laugh. She still loves the hide and seek game with her daddy. It is hilarious.

Tomorrow is our American Consulate appointment, the last step before we are allowed to take Mia home. She has her passport – doesn’t it look like she treasures that thing and wants to eat it??

Since we had to stay in the room this morning, I decided to take out a few more toys I had brought for Mia instead of saving them for the plane ride home. I got out crayons and coloring books. At first she seemed to like them so I began typing on the computer and Kevin took a nap. Our bed sheets are now beautifully colored with 2 year old art. Oh dear!!

A few random notes!
It is still raining…We went to an Italian restaurant on the island today (avoiding the roads that were still covered in rain). It was delicious!
The room service here at the hotel is amazing. I always get a wake up call, but I’m usually up before they call. I took the phone off the hook one morning so I could shower before they called waking up the rest of the family. So they came up to the room and knocked on the door! Talk about room service!!


gail said...

Dear King Family--here and there! Like everyone else I am so enjoying hearing and seeing all about this adventure! I look forward everyday to the pictures and "story". We are keeping you in our prayers and know the time must seem fast and slow for all of you. Mia is so very cute, just like her sisters! Can't wait to see all of you together again! Take care coming home. Love, Fred and Gail

Laura said...

Words can't express just how excited we are for you to finally be coming home. But as excited as we are, and as much as we want to see Mia in person, we also understand that you will need time for an adjustment period and family bonding with all three girls. And for Mia to adjust to a totally different world than what she was used to. That being said, we certainly don't expect for you to be making any grand appearances, so please don't feel like you need to make appearances to make everyone happy. The most important thing is for Mia and her family to do some serious bonding. After all, we will get to witness a lifetime of "Mia's antics". Mia is such a luck little girl to have been chosen by such a wonderful family. Be safe and hurry home!!! Much love!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Ok, agreeing with my mom on the "no major appearances" thing, I just wanna say how much I miss you guys! Although I don't expect to see Mia right away, I still can't wait to see that little angel!!!!! I just know that Savannah and Emma are going to love her to death!!! Well, I got to go. Have a safe trip home! Lots of love!!!!