Friday, September 19, 2008

Dreams Do Come True

A few days before we left for China, I had the most vivid dream! Mia was laughing and was quite the spit fire! She was full of herself and we soon realized we had our hands full with this third daughter... Fast forward to today! Dreams come true!!

It all started last night when she insisted on sleeping in her silver shoes again. It was so funny waking up in the middle of the night with someone kicking me with shoes on. Then a little later, Mia got mad at me for taking a toy away because she kept throwing it against the wall. I think anger management may be in our future! So she took her clothes off! I mean everything and refused to put them back on. I guess in her mind she was like "I'll show you Mama". She is a hoot even at all hours of the day and night. We were so worried about her not smiling, but she is a ball of fire.

Today was a free day until 3:30. So after another delicious breakfast downstairs, we went to the play room again. There were lots of children in there and it was fun to talk to the other newly adoptive parents about their experiences. Funny story in the playroom... a little Chinese girl about 20 months - precious... took up with Kevin. At first it was funny and then the daddy got jealous, in a fun way. The little girl was all over Kevin and Mia didn't seem to mind (which surprised me).

Then we walked around the island to find the famous Italian Restaurant but could not find it. So we went to Lucy's. It was awesome. American music, food, decorations, posters, was so comforting. I had a grilled cheese and Kevin had a BLT. It was yummy!!! We learned that Mia did not like grilled cheese, but loved tomatoes and fries. She also had her first experience with crystal light today and loved it (of course there is not much that we have found that she does not like).

Then we came back to the room to try to give Mia a nap before our tour to the Six Banyan Temple. We cut all the lights off and both laid on the bed. That's all it took for Mia to become upset again. She knew that it was time to lay down & she was not having any part of it. After 11/2 hours she finally gave in and fell asleep, just as it was time to leave. So we left & got on the bus and went to the Temple.

Here is where the dream becomes even more eerily familiar. It doesn't take much for Mia to get excited and want to run wild. On the bus she began to talk more Chinese. So we have a very spirited 2 yr old that is speaking Chinese so fast that it is blowing our minds. While in the temple, Elvin was quietly talking to us about the temple & how important people's beliefs are in relation to this building. We were observing people serving Budda and praying to him just as Mia is beginning to get wound up again. At one point Kevin looked at me and said that he was afraid that we were going to get thrown out of this temple .

Everything with Mia is about having fun. I anticipate that when we get home and try to discipline, she will be a challenge. It's all fun and games to her. We have laughed so much today that at one point my belly was hurting and I had tears streaming down my face.

Just after we got on the bus following our visit, Mia let us know she had to go to the bathroom. She points to the front or back and so far she has not had one accident. So she started pointing and we just tried to pacify her at first. Then she began insisting that she needed to go. I asked Elvin how much farther and he said that we were in a traffic jam. So he brought me a trash can and said let her use it. I was dying because this was a first for us. So Kevin & I went to the VERY back of the bus and I held her over the trash can while Kevin held the trash can still and just shook her off. It was hilarious!

See what I mean? Dreams do come true!!


bonnie said...

Well of course it would not be a King gal if at some point Kevin was not holding one up to tinkle and then have to "shake". I would love to know what she is speaking in Chinese!
Counting down the days.....
Love from The Crazy Smiths

Tara said...

That is too funny. Remember each moment of these precious memories you are making with Mia. Can't wait till you get home. There was lots of prayers lifted up for you all in Sparkies Wednesday night as you can imagine.
Love, Tara and Pierre